Where recovery happens
Redmond Alano Club
The Redmond Alano Club (RAC) is a membership club that provides a sober, clean and safe environment for the enjoyment of its members. The RAC is a central location for various 12 step programs, managed by the board of directors and its paid members.
Membership is available to all individuals in a recovery program. Membership is $10 a month or $100 for the entire year. All membership dues are considered donations and therefore non-refundable. Dues are NOT required to attend board meetings.
Become a member today!
OR, download a MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION and mail it along with your check to Redmond Alano Club, PO Box 265, Redmond OR 97756.
Benefits of RAC Membership
You are supporting an organization that has helped thousands in their recovery program and which can be helpful to your own recovery. Members can use the Club facilities at anytime the Club is open. The RAC holds "Members Only" events and all 12 step recovery programs and education materials are at your fingertips.
The RAC is governed by a Board or Directors selected annually by the general membership. The Board chooses officers including President, Vice-President, Secretary & Treasurer to serve 2 year terms. Any RAC member may become a member of the Board of Directors.
The Club hosts a variety of events throughout the year, and as a member we encourage you to suggest other activities to the Board of Directors for approval. There is always something happening at the Club including; Thanksgiving Potluck Fellowship, Christmas Potluck Fellowship, New Year’s Fellowship, Family Summer BBQ, and more! Your membership supports these events and provides all of us with sober activities with others in recovery.
Club Guidelines
The RAC is NOT part of AA, NA, Al-Anon or any other recovery program. You are NOT automatically a member of the Redmond Alano Club if you are a member of one of those fellowships.